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Me, myself & Y.

„Yoga is not just a passion for me, it's my way of life.“

Hi, my name is Steph and I’m an advanced certified Yoga teacher having worked all over the world for nearly 20 years. 

After 10 years of traveling around the world I came back to my hometown Berlin in 2006. I trained NYC Style Jivamukti Yoga and completed my teacher training with Sharon Gannon and David Life in 2003, followed by a continuing education in Munich with Patrick Broome and many international teachers like Mark Whittwell, Brian Kest and Gurmukh. 

Between periods of full-time teaching I was also doing other managing work, such as photo editor and advertising sales manager for fashion magazines.

After 10 years of traveling around the world I came back to my hometown Berlin in 2006. I trained NYC Style Jivamukti Yoga and completed my teacher training with Sharon Gannon and David Life in 2003, followed by a continuing education in Munich with Patrick Broome and many international teachers like Mark Whittwell, Brian Kest and Gurmukh. 

Between periods of full-time teaching I was also doing other managing work, such as photo editor and advertising sales manager for fashion magazines.

My TEachers

People who speak my soul language.


Jivamukti Yoga- In 1984 Sharon Gannon and David Life created the Jivamukti Yoga Method, which is a path to enlightenment through compassion for all beings. They are pioneers in teaching yoga as spiritual activism/activation. The JY Method emphasizes vinyasa, scriptural study, devotion, prayer, music, chanting and meditation as well as animal rights, veganism, environmentalism and political activism. Jivamuktis passionate focus on the original meaning of the Sanskrit word „asana“ as seat, connection, relationship to the earth is as practical as it is radical at this time of global and consciousness shift.

Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa

Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa, lovingly known as “Gurmukh” in the yoga world, loves to celebrate life. And how? People are always around her, eating, meeting, talking, having fun. She loves to bring people together. Every Sunday night after a hearty 2 hour yoga class, up to 90 to 100 people gather for a Sunday night dinner, creating the feeling of the old time “Family Get Together.”

Mark Whitwell

Mark Whitwell has enjoyed a life long relationship with the teachings of Professor T. Krishnamacharya „the teacher of the teachers,“ notably BKS Iyengar, K Pattabhi Jois, A G Mohan, Srivatsa Ramaswami, Indra Devi and TKV Desikachar. Having studied since 1973 in the home of Krishnamacharya with his son Desikachar, Mark is committed to communicating the timeless yoga principals with compassion and clarity.

Brian Kest about Yoga

A fitness routine based on aesthetics feeds your ego, not your spirit. By increasing your ego, you actually become more vulnerable, more susceptible to the everyday occurrences that are out of your control. By feeding your ego, you ignore what you truly need in order to create something your ego desires. Consequently, you end up working against yourself and your goal of health, and you actually create more imbalance.